Monday, May 4, 2009

For the indecisive but cool....

...We have these fabulous convertible mittens. *

My little sister was going to buy a pair for like 30 bucks, but upon seeing my uber cool and cheap yarn I became her glove maker! I scoured Knitting Pattern Central and found a pattern for a pair of cabled and beaded convertible mittens. Using this fabulous pattern (PDF) as a basis I got to work and within 2 nights had one glove down. Not bad!! Of course now I have SSS (second sock syndrome!!) but for gloves, so to spice it up I've knitted a beanie before starting the next glove!
One glove took under a ball of yarn , so at under 2 bucks a ball I'm thinking the word BARGAIN!!!!

*I have very short and stubby hands, so these don't look as dashing on me but unfortunately no one else was available to model!!

1 comment:

  1. nice gloves nat I will have to get you to do me a pair ..
    You know me I am not good at knitting
